Sunday, January 25, 2015

Caution Clayton Has Turned ONE!!

Our sweet little boy is officially one year old. Clayton chose January 21st 2014 to join our family. Life has never been more complete. Clayton brings us constant joy with his belly laughs, big smiles, tender heart, snuggles, and total boy antics. We had a small family gathering to celebrate Clayton's big day. Total blast!

Blueberry Crepes for breakfast

He ate and enjoyed every single bite

I love this shy smile. 

Haylie enjoying her crepes

Try some Mom.
We had a construction theme going. 

The kids got to paint with edible paints (yogurt and kool aid) They all had a blast. I'm not sure how much actual painting they did. But it was definitely fun to play in. (You'll have to endure multiple pictures, I couldn't decide which ones I liked the best)

Addison was so neat and clean. She loved using ALL the paint brushes.

Grandpa helping Clayton out. As if he needed any. :)

This is something we definitely need to do again!!

Can you see his canvas under him? He didn't really do any painting on it. 

Love this girls pig tails!

Look how clean she is. 

My little artist. Unfortunately her naughty brother smeared the whole thing. 

I guess its a good thing they are edible paints. They were actually quite sour tasting. 

Finally a little paint on the face. 

What a cheese grin! Love this girl. 

Everyone helping

Busy board

Gotta check the tires first

Addie was really good at pushing him around.

Cupcake time

Way to dig right in

Enjoying Sunday morning breakfast at his new sandbox and picnic table. 

These kids are going to have fun this summer with a new truck, sandbox, and wagon.
Thank you everyone for the wonderful gifts!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Christmas 2014

What a wonderful year it has been! 
We received the best gift in the month of January in the form of a bouncing, smiling, little boy. Clayton brings such joy to our day. He adores his sister and soaks up all the love she showers on him. His favorite thing to do is make noise. Lots and lots of noise. He loves to sing anytime there is music and is now starting to groove along with the tune. He started walking 3 weeks before his 1st birthday. Heaven help us, I don't think even his sister will be able to keep up with him.

Haylie is growing into a beautiful young women. This year, Tom and I, took on the challenge of homeschooling her. Its been a roller-coaster of a ride. We have all learned so much and welcome the challenges and growth that is still to come. Haylie is taking piano lessons and excels in leaps and bounds.  It amazes me how quickly she learns a new song and can retain it for the future. She continues to develop her riding skills and has expressed a huge interest in learning mounted archery. She has the passion and the heart to love all animals. Haylie is a huge help to me and takes very good care of her brother. It's such a delight to watch her grow.

Tom finished his apprenticeship with Avista this year and is now a Journeyman Operator. I'm so proud of all the hard work he has accomplished. He continues to serve in the Guard and currently drills in Boise. Despite his full schedule he got to do a bit of hunting and camping. One of his highlights during the hunting season is getting to take Haylie. They always come home full of smiles and stories. I can't wait till both kids are making memories with him.

I continue to work as a vet tech. After Clayton was born, I wasn't sure if I would go back to work. However, a very dear friend and her daughter agreed to watch the kids on my work days. Now I get to enjoy my kids and still do the job that I very much love. I am loving the craziness that a baby brings, the challenges of being a mom and now a teacher, the daily smiles and laughter that fills my home and all the joy that God has given me.

As 2015 trucks along, Tom and I pray that this will be the year we purchase a house. All in God's timing! I hope you will stay tuned for what 2015 has in store for us.

2014 Family picture

First introduction to snow was a success!

Cutting down our Christmas tree. 

What good boys!

Poor Jack got the short end of the stick. He drug the tree and packed two people. Such a good boy. 

Christmas morning. Unfortunately Tom had to work during the day, so we loaded up and headed over to Grandma and Grandpas first thing in the morning. 

Reading/listening to their Christmas book Grandpa Tom and Grandma Tina got them. 

Full stockings

Sporting his sisters new ear warmer.

A fun 4D horse anatomy model/puzzle

New bean bag from Grandpa Jim and Grandma Mel.

Blueberry face after eating blueberry crepes. Yummy!!

Christmas again at Grandma Sue's and Grandpa Dales. Mozart block. Clayton loves singing along. 

Isn't that the truth. 

Haylie got up super super early to go plow with Grandma. 

Painting ceramics. 

Great Grandpa and Grandpa Dale took Haylie ice fishing. Sorry the pictures are a little blurry. 

Watching his sister play in the snow.