Saturday, December 7, 2013

It's beginning to look a little like Christmas!

December is here and its time to find our Christmas tree. Of course the only weekend that Tom had off happened to be the weekend we have 3 degree weather with a -12 windchill. Needless to say we were a bit nuts to be out in the elements. Tom did some "pre tree scouting" during hunting season this year and had marked this beauty on his gps back in October. This made Christmas tree shopping a little less time consuming. As usual I wanted to use this time to also take a few family photos and much requested baby bump photos. I have to hand it to my family; not only did we hike 2 miles round trip in a foot of snow for the "perfect" Christmas tree, we did it in 3 degree weather, and managed to take a few cute pictures. 
Helping Dad cut the tree down


Our 2013 Christmas tree!      (notice we still look warm in all our cloths)
Of course I didn't want pictures of us in snow cloths, so off they came. But we were so cold I told everyone just push your pants down and I will cut them out of the photo. It cracks me up seeing all our pants around our ankles. 
Do we look cold? ...........I love my family for all they put up with. <smile>

Love this ray of Sunshine.

Okay everyone here are the baby bump pictures. I am 34 weeks. 

Poor Haylie was so cold but such a good sport. 

Corn Maze

Post Falls does a 5 acre corn maze every year, this was the first time we have all been. 

OH NO!!! We are lost!!

Made it to a check point.

Uncles are so good to their nieces. 

Seven Devil's Mountains in Idaho

These are a little out of order from previous post, but I just realized that I have't posted them. In July we went to the Seven Devil's Mountain range in central Idaho. Breath taking area and a must return! Next time we will have to bring the horses so we can explore all the trails. At the tower you can see 4 states: Idaho, Montana, Washington and Oregon. 

Tom and Daniel enjoying the view

We missed exploring with Haylie, she was in Montana for a visit. 

The burned trees were very cool looking

You can see the path an avalanche took from all the downed trees. 

Tones of beautiful mountain wildflowers