Monday, June 18, 2012

The Princess turns 5!!

She fills our lives with sunshine 
and our hearts with love

Our Beautiful Haylie Ann Wurtz turned 5 years old.
She loved her special Birthday dress from Grandpa and Grandma Moore.  

Present time. 
Receiving Birthday wishes from Grandma and Grandpa Wurtz

Brik - A - Blok; 46 connecting panels that let your imagination run wild. Her uncles were all over this  kind of gift and promptly built her a fort after the gift opening. (From Grandma and Grandpa Wurtz) 

One of the many options to be created. 

Daddy fits too. 

Even Shilo will crawl through the tunnel. 

Mom had fun wrapping her light up hola-hoop. 
She is the only one out of us all that can get that hoop to spin. 

Fun feather hair clip from Aunt Taran & Uncle Darren

Horse swing from Grandma Sue and Grandpa Dale

Can you guess who wrapped this? 

WooHooo my own fishing net. 
Pretending to scoop up her fish. Pink tackle box and pink bait to go with her pink fishing pole.
She is ready to out fish her daddy. 
Super soaker squirt gun from Uncle Dan. He was smart enough to arm himself.

Water balloons and dive rings. 

Awww mom, you're not supposed to get me underwear. :)
New tennis shoes. 

Grandpa cheats by hiding behind the door.  She did have the bigger gun though.  

I love that smile!

Come on grandpa come out here and take it like a man.