Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This weeekend we had the pleasure of attending Cavalia in Portland Oregon. Now your probably wondering what exactly is Cavalia. In a sense its like a circus but its WAY WAY WAY above and beyond. Cavalia has top notch acrobats that dance with some amazing horses. Honestly there is no way to describe the show we watched. It is something you really have to experience for yourself. Through the whole show we were all mesmerized.
To get a better understanding check out www.cavalia.org  they have videos and pictures of what their show is all about. We were not allowed to take pictures during the show, so I have a limited amount of pictures. The show is only in this area once a year, with that in mind we went all out and treated ourselves to the VIP passes. Appetizers, dessert, wine, private VIP tent, and backstage passes. The overall experiences was well worth it. 

The Big Show tent

They have 5 tents, the largest one cost 5 million

Curtains that were covering the stage

Haylie didn't say one word and didn't miss one thing

The whole Cavalia group

This gal reminded me of Haylie, wild and  a daredevil

The flying girls were Haylie's favorite

Even for non horse lovers this is a must see show!!

On our way home we stopped at the fish hatchery just outside of Hood River at the Bonneville Dam. Haylie had more fun feeding the ducks then seeing the fish.

Feeding the ducks

The duck was eating the food out of Tom's hand

Some very large Sturgeon

70 year old Sturgeon, 5 ft long, and 500 pounds

The ducks were more fun to feed then the fish.

Tom trying to touch the fish 

I love how this shows snow, green, and  fall leaves

Hiding in the cool trees

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dinner is served

Since Tom is working swing shifts this week, I have to cook dinner in the middle of the day. I like to try to keep his eating schedule as regular as possible. It seems to help him switch between the 3 shifts a lot easier.

For these early dinner preparations I like something that is quick easy, packed full of nutrients, and something that will reheat easy. So I dubbed today as the official start of my cooking with Jamie Oliver. Tonight's dinner is "Pregnant Jools's Pasta"....not to sure where he comes up with the names for his meals. He suggest serving it with a "Crunchy Red Endive & Watercress salad" and "Little Frangipane Tarts".  There is no way I can possible justify eating dessert with every dinner meal. My budget nor thighs could handle it. 

Here is a look at the end result:

YUMMY!!!!! When I first made it, I was thinking he was crazy to put the sausage and veggies in the food processor together. My way of thinking, was it was going to create a gritty, minced texture. Oh but I am so wrong. On the contrary it produced a velvety light sauce. This is also a great way to get kids to eat more veggies. The sauce has carrots, celery, onions and peppers all blended together. Haylie seemed to be pleased with the dinner choice. A quick suggestion, if you don't care for the taste of fennel (those little seeds in Italian sausage) then grind your seeds before putting them in the food processor. They are still very much whole in the end. The salad was also a nice accompaniment, however it didn't photograph well. Speaking of photo's I am trying out the food setting on my camera.What do you think of my pasta picture?

Since my mouth can't enjoy the dessert, I can at least savory it with my eyes. Plus it may entice you to try it out. Looks delicious doesn't it? This picture was borrowed from Jamie's Site.

Here are the facts:

I completed the salad and pasta in 23.46 minutes. (I set my timer) If you don't have a food processor, you wouldn't be able to complete it in that time frame. (keep in mind I only made the pasta and salad) 

Pasta: $2.79 per serving.  (total servings - 6)  *** I bought organic italian sausage form the local butcher. I also used the Heart Harvest whole grain Penne pasta. My celery is also organic. I did have a hard time figuring the price of this dish as I used my homemade canned tomatoes and I am not sure what the cost per jar is. I just added in the cost of an organic canned tomatoes from the store. Other then that all the other ingredients were just regular supermarket brands. 

Salad: $1.93  per serving. *** I will never make a salad with endive again, unless the price drops. It is ridiculously over priced. I didn't even buy the organic kind. I think just substituting it with romaine or spinach would be just as good. Its a salad for goodness sake's. Its just there to make you eat your greens. 

Star Rating:
Tom - 3 stars
Me - 2 stars (mainly because I am not a pasta fan)
Haylie - she ate it, that is all that counts.

On a side note: If your want to try and eat more organic foods, try just switching your meats. I have found that your local butcher will have a better price on organic meats. Also buying all your spices and grains at a bulk store will cut way down on the cost. You don't have to buy a pound of chili powder, you can buy just a teaspoon if you wish. The savings comes from not having it pre-packaged in a fancy shaker jar. The flip side is that you need storage containers at home. Or you can save your empty spice containers and refill them. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Cooking Adventure

Some of you that know that I am a HUGE Jamie Oliver fan. I might even be borderline neurotic. Whatever you want to call it....there is no disagreement that he is a food genius. He can take simple ingredients and turn them into a taste bud explosion.

He recently released his new Meals in Minutes cookbook.

I was a little skeptical that you could really cook these masterpieces in minutes, being that I have cooked numerous recipes of his. Of course this book is a "must add" to my collection. The populations seems to agree that there was no way you can cook them in 30 minutes. No surprise to me! If you really want to cook 30 minute meals then check out Rachel Ray. (not a dis on Rachel, shes an excellent cook)

My new book arrived 4 days ago. I couldn't even wait to get out of the post office before ripping the packaging open and inhaling the scent of a new book.....told you I was neurotic..... One thing that I love, love, love about JO's books are all the pictures. Honestly how many people open a cookbook and never cook a single thing out of it because it has no pictures of what the end result will be? First there is site, then smell, then taste. Just flipping though makes my mouth water.

Here's my plan.....I want to cook every meal in this new book, document how long it takes me to cook them (I am an average cook, not fast, not slow) and the cost of each meal. My friends and I are always debating how much it really cost to cook on a "healthy" level. I'm not talking pure organic, I just mean adding more veggies and less processed oils. The question is; Can you cook a meal with superb flavor for around $2.00 a plate? Is it possible to cook at JO's culinary level, in a 30 minute time frame? Can I entice you to spread your roots in the cooking world?

I hope you will follow my cooking adventure over the next few months. If anything it should be entertaining.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trick or Treat

Introducing the new, the magnificent, the stunning, the beautiful, Monarch butterfly.......Haylie Ann Wurtz
(Once again, I think I need glasses, not one of these pictures turned out clear) 

Okay quit fluttering so I can take a picture of you. 

She loved her "butterfly" basket

Fluttering up to Grandma's door

Her wings were attached to her arms so she could actually flap them.  Brilliant idea..not so brilliant when playing carnival games or trying to go through doorways. 

I love her nose.

Every stop required a redressing

Trick or Treating at Grandma Grahams house. 

Bummed about the shadow. 

Last but not least Uncle Darren's and Aunt Taran's house. 

They had the best prize, a dart shooting gun. (my poor smeared windows)

Side Note

**** FYI **** If you click on the picture it will zoom them in. Just in case anyone was wondering how to make them bigger. Or maybe that is just me, I think I am in need of  a eye check up. :)

Wisconsin visits Idaho

Upon Tom's return we were privileged to have a visit from Tom Sr. and Tina. We were ecstatic to get the chance to show them around Idaho. Even though we had a WAY to short of a visit, we made the best of every day. If your ever on a visit to North Idaho, you must make Pend Oreille Lake a stop. The craggy, rocky, mountains, drop into the crystal clear water making a spectacular view.  If you have the privilege of exploring the water on a boat you might get the chance to see the sure footed mountain goats racing up and down the steep cliffs. Despite the cold, Tom and Tina, were up for a boat trip to see the goats. Luck held out for us, we saw 10 goats. Even 1 baby. Beside the goats, we saw 2 bald Eagles, and froze our tootsies off. As you will see vi the pictures, I am in need of a zoom  lens. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed Tom & Tina's visit. 

Can you see that white dot? That would be a goat. 

Its like where is Waldo, except where's the goat?

Bald Eagle

3 freezing cold ladies. 

One last goat way away from the rest. 

Sr. Captain and Jr. Captain

The boat crew

Taran's face was so cold!

They look nice and warm don't they?