Monday, October 27, 2014

October Oregon Coast Vacation

   It amazes me how relaxing a vacation on the coast can be. There is just something about those powerful waves cashing against the sandy shores or maybe its the salt laced air. Whatever it may be, I always feel completely relaxed. My folks rented this amazing house right on the beach and we all got to have a nice 5 day vacation. (minus Tom- he wasn't able to get the time off work :( . ) 

Haystack Rock. Our house looked right at this rock. 

Just arrived and we couldn't wait to sink our toes into the sand.

Clayton loved, loved, loved the sand. I was surprised he didn't put it in his mouth. His favorite thing to do was crawl and brush the sand with his hands. 

Haylie and Grandma testing the water. 

Addison loved the water 

Hi Mom. 

Haylie and Grandpa running from the waves

Grandma and Addie. 

Surprisingly the water wasn't that cold

Clayton wanted in the water so bad, but..........
he wasn't so sure about the water rushing at him

Pick me up Grandpa!! Pick me up!!

Humm I'm not to sure about this.

Addison did good with not eating the sand, however she didn't like it stuck on her hands and when you can't get it off your hands the natural thing to do is stick them in your mouth. 

Come on grandpa, come play with me. 

When you find long seaweed you naturally want to swing it around. 

Missing dad. 
Uh oh, it got us.

Can you guess what she is going to do?

That's right....roll down the sand dune.

We wore the little ones out quick by having them crawl up the hill 

Addie loved it when dad pulled her down the hill. 

Love this Girl!

Clayton was so happy to have huge handfuls of Grandma's hair

I even had to try. 

She loves spending time with her Auntie Taran.

We saw 3 herds of elk while we were there. 

Enjoyed a very wet visit to a lighthouse

Mom are you getting rained on?

I know I have a lot of pictures of this rock, but I was trying to take a picture of it each day to catch the change in weather. However, I honestly can't remember which one goes on which day. :)

Dad enjoying a stroll on the beach

Haylie and Grandma building a sand castle. 

Devils punch bowl

Clayton loves his Aunt Taran 

We saw multiple sittings of whales, unfortunately they were far enough away you only saw them blow. 


We saw a lot of pelicans

What are you doing Grandma?

Grandpa and Haylie found some small agats

Watching the sun set

Another seal. This one was on our beach

Haylie wanted to sled down the sand dunes. We were unsuccessful. I think a combination of the wrong sleds and the sand being to wet. We didn't even move. 

Nature made climbing wall

Wild animal 

Can you see Dad why off in the distance? 

The color layers are just amazing to me. 


Don't they look like bunch of rocks?

Lets try the water again

Okay I'm kind of liking it now.

He wanted down so bad. 

The only star fish we saw.

The rocks were so cool looking. 

Dad I think you should have picked a bigger rock. 


The water made winding rivers in the rocks. 

Love this picture!

This one was for Tom. I actually drove my new Tahoe out on the beach

Check out this "paint" deer

Our last sunset on the coast.

Yeah!! This was a fun trip.