Monday, September 26, 2011


Does anyone know how to leave comments on a blog without having to have one of the accounts they list?

Any advise or help would be appreciated. 

A Little Randomness

Boy it sure is good to have Tom home. Even my independent streak is thankful for the extra set of hands. That, "To Do" list seems to be disappearing faster then it took me to write it.

There seems to be a reoccurring question; "Are you settling back into a family of three?"  I'm not quite sure how to answer that. Honestly, it doesn't even feel as if Tom has been gone for a year. Yet there are a few underlying currents that continue to remind us that it has been 12 month. I feel as though the whole experiences has given us a whole new outlook on life in general. We still have that fun bantering, the teasing, and fully packed days. However, I have noticed that we all remind each other more of our love. Our hugs are a little longer, snuggle family time is more often and just basking in the moment. Does that really answer the question? Not really, I'm not even sure if I know the answer.

Okay enough of this juicy stuff!

What have we been up to??????

A little of this, a little of that, and a whole lot of everything. The hunt for a job, regrettably, has taken top priority. A few leads, but nothing to talk about as of yet. We just keep reminding ourselves that its in God's hands. Tom and I got to spend a glorious night by ourselves at Silver Mountain Resort. A belated anniversary celebration. We've been busy canning, preserving and experimenting. Filling my hubby's belly with yummy wholesome food, yard selling, cleaning and a fun day at Silverwood Theme Park. Among all this fun, my camera has never found its way to my hand. I have kicked myself numerous times in the past weeks for being without it. So instead I have had to rely on my phone's camera. Such a pitiful camera and I am ashamed to even call these pictures. I need to pull my head out of the clouds and get with the picture taking. :)

So with all the mumbo jumbo out of the way, here are a few random pictures of the past few weeks. I will try and explain where and why they were taken. But before we part, I want to share this song we sang last Sunday. When the words to this song hit me, it was all I could do to remain standing.What a powerful reminder. With out further ado:
All Is Well
He lowers us to raise us,
so we can sing His praises.
Whatever is His way, all is well.
He makes us rich and poor
That we might trust Him more.
Whatever is His way, all is well. 
All my changes come from Him,
He who never changes. 
                                   I'm held firm in the grasp         (my favorite lines)
of the Rock of all ages.
All is well with my soul
He is God, in control.
I know not His plans,
But I know I'm in His hands.
He clothes us now, then strips us, 
yet with His word equips us. 

A day at Grandma Sue's

My little Monkey

Swinging with Stripes, one of her many favorite kitten

She just has a way with getting those cats to behave

Daddy and Haylie time while mom does school 

Call it cheap or call it romantic, Fondue in our  hotel room.

Here's to you honey for all the fantastic years we have had and the many more to come. 

Wine and candle light, can't get any better then that. Oh wait, I must not forget to mention the chocolate fondue. :)

Very hard to take a picture with only 2 people and a phone. 

Silver Mt. has a water park. Dad was nice enough to meet us half way the next day with Haylie , so she can remind us how to be kids again. 

Mentally kicking myself for no camera. 

Long day at the water park = SLEEP

Okay so every time I look at this picture I laugh my head off. Haylie was trying to impress her dad by doing  a handstand on the wall. So Tom says, "Haylie watch this!" and promptly stands on his head. Here he is showing Haylie how to start the head stand and then extend her legs up. 


Arms up. 

Hopping like a frog. 

This is a huge swing

Sweet Abby sharing her ride

This is how you stop it

I couldn't resist throwing this one in. Notices that knee crammed into the elephant? That would be Uncle Darren, oh what an Uncle will do for his blue eyed niece.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The waiting is over.The feeling of standing on pins and needles evaporated the minute I was surrounded in his arms. While sharing a family hug, Haylie lets out a huge sigh. That sigh summed it all up. Our world is finally right and once again our hearts are whole.

The last 2 weeks have been chaotic! After being held for 48 hours on his transport back to the states, they landed in Seattle for his demobilization. Tom breezed through his mental and physical health checks and was prepared to come home after 10 days. But…….. oh yeah, this is a military operation and they don’t do anything in an organized, timely manner.  4 solid days of waiting for the plane that was supposed to deliver them home. 4 days of seeing his number on my phone and expecting to hear that he was finally boarding the plane. Nope, nada, no way, no go. Finally on the evening of the 4th day he calls to say that they are passing on the plane and will be arriving on a bus at 4 a.m. All my carefully laid out plans…the outfit, the pictures, the excitement of arriving at the airport, capturing our daughter’s expression, they all went down the drain. Sweat pants and sleep laden eyes was the greeting he got.  This must be God’s way of saying, “all your plans are superficial, all that matters is the reuniting of a husband and wife, a father and daughter.”

Now is the time that I give credit where it’s due. Thank you God for walking beside me during the last year and carrying me when I faltered. Thank you for the strength that you gave me for every day, every minute and every second.  Thank you to my family and friends for the never ending support. I may not have expressed my gratitude in the past year. But your support and love did not go unnoticed and many times I drew on that support.  Thank you for understanding that sometimes it’s hard to always stay positive.  I know a few family members and a few friends who got to witness my frustration of having Tom away. So Thank You!

With  all that out of the way, below are the few pictures that I did capture. Please look past the fact that we are still in pj's. Haylie thought it sure was a nice surprise to wake up and have her daddy miraculously home. Better said in her words, “Daddy you snuck in while I was sleeping!”  

Finally she was able to take the last butterfly down. For those of you that don't know; there were 12 butterflies on Hayli'es wall, each represented 1 month of the year deployment and she took one down at the end of every month. Needless to say, she never want butterflies on her wall again. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Day at the Sanders County Fair

Grandma Sue and Haylie

Patiently waiting in line

I sure do love this girl

She is up there all by herself

And down she comes.

And again and again and again

First Farris Wheel ride with a boy. (Uncle Levi)

Pretty face painting. 

Uncle Levi went with her this time and she left him at the top with no mat. :) 

The crazy sizzler.

Shes spoiled rotten. 

Haylie and Grandma Sue with, Haylie's chickens she entered in the fair.