Monday, May 9, 2016

~ At the end of the day your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling ~

There is not much that can top a weekend spent in God's country with the best family a mom could have. I love every single second, minute, day spent with this crew. 

First meal in our "new" camper!! 

Tried out the new popcorn maker

Turned out PERFECT!

Clayton thought it was pretty funny that they were riding Haylie's bike

We had planned to hike up to a couple different falls but the road was closed due to flooding. Instead we hiked along the road by our campsite and did a little geocaching...... Haylie found the first one. 

They decided to trade a mini flashlight for a magnetic game. 

"The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd.The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one else has ever been."  Albert Einstein 

Found another geocache

Makes you want to breath deeply

Haylie had to try riding across this huge puddle we had by our camp. She made it all the way across. 

Clayton found this geocache

This is Lightning Creek which ran along side our camp. It was Raging!! The noise was impressive. 

Pretty wildflowers 

Clayton wanted to try shooting the BB gun 

Looks like a natural 

She even tried out my new 9mm pistol I won. 

Aww ain't this the life

Not to shabby looking. Thanks to my hard working husband, we turned this neglected camper (got it cheaper then most) into a shiny penny. A lot of elbow grease and many hours of hard work in the end paid off. We thoroughly enjoyed our "new" camper. It has a slide out which gives us more room and newer features then the old one. All in all, we were pleased with the results.

This man completes me. 

Playing a ring game. Similar to beans but with rings. 

Dear Lord, guard their hearts, keep them innocent for as long as you can. Amen ~  They grow to fast for me, the best I can do is hang on to this wild ride they call motherhood and oh how I crave every second of it!


The sun was a little bright, but not a bad picture for not having a tripod.

Thanks to my wonderful family for such a relaxing Mothers Day. 

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