Carving the GREAT pumpkin and dressing up is what October is all about. Haylie had to have the biggest pumpkin she could find this year. Hers weighed a whopping 37 lbs.
Here's a little interesting fact about pumpkin carving; "Pumpkin carving goes back to an Irish tradition. In Irish folklore, a character called Stingy Jack tricks the devil to prevent going into hell. Unfortunately for Jack, he is too much of a sinner to go to heaven, so he is forced to roam the earth carrying a lantern made from a turnip (a lantern of Jack's, aka Jack o'Lantern). The Irish carved turnips for All Hallow's Eve. Immigrants to America, however, found pumpkins to be easier to come by and easier to carve, leading to the custom we enjoy today." ~ scratch magazine.
Clayton wasn't so sure about the slimy stuff. |
Humm? |
Haylie knows how to dig right in. |
I'm not touching that stuff dad |
Maybe I can touch the stuff in the bowl. |
He would only touch the stuff in the bowl. |
He likes the pumpkin now that its all cleaned up. |
He even liked licking it. |
These two crack me up! |
Introducing Miss. Squeak and Stinky Cheddar (named by Haylie)
Watch out Stinky Cheddar, Miss. Squeak is going to eat you!! |
Oh No!! The Cheddar is attaching back! |
I'm out'a here! |
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