Some of you that know that I am a HUGE Jamie Oliver fan. I might even be borderline neurotic. Whatever you want to call it....there is no disagreement that he is a food genius. He can take simple ingredients and turn them into a taste bud explosion.
He recently released his new Meals in Minutes cookbook.
I was a little skeptical that you could really cook these masterpieces in minutes, being that I have cooked numerous recipes of his. Of course this book is a "must add" to my collection. The populations seems to agree that there was no way you can cook them in 30 minutes. No surprise to me! If you really want to cook 30 minute meals then check out Rachel Ray. (not a dis on Rachel, shes an excellent cook)
My new book arrived 4 days ago. I couldn't even wait to get out of the post office before ripping the packaging open and inhaling the scent of a new book.....told you I was neurotic..... One thing that I love, love, love about JO's books are all the pictures. Honestly how many people open a cookbook and never cook a single thing out of it because it has no pictures of what the end result will be? First there is site, then smell, then taste. Just flipping though makes my mouth water.
Here's my plan.....I want to cook every meal in this new book, document how long it takes me to cook them (I am an average cook, not fast, not slow) and the cost of each meal. My friends and I are always debating how much it really cost to cook on a "healthy" level. I'm not talking pure organic, I just mean adding more veggies and less processed oils. The question is; Can you cook a meal with superb flavor for around $2.00 a plate? Is it possible to cook at JO's culinary level, in a 30 minute time frame? Can I entice you to spread your roots in the cooking world?
I hope you will follow my cooking adventure over the next few months. If anything it should be entertaining.
It worked! I guess I am an official blogger.