Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Little sunshine, campfire, horses, and family.

" Keep close to nature's heart... 
And break clear away, once in awhile, 
And climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods
 to wash your spirit clean." 
~ John Muir
Tom did a little fly fishing 

Haylie, Tom and I got to go for a nice ride up Independence trial 

Ink found the whole ride to be quite hilarious. 

Independence Creek 

Clayton couldn't get enough of the motorcycle

She's quite the rider. 

Grandpa and the grand kids testing out the hammocks. 

Hawkeye has been one amazing horse. 

Shadow falls, 

Fern Falls 

Haylie and I rode into Jordan Camp. Big shot wanted to try ponying Queenie. :)

Steep country with beautiful views!