Monday, April 21, 2014

Those little moments in life.

 Grandpa sure is funny!! 
I just had to share these two pictures. They are significant to me for two reasons; first, both Haylie and Clayton are 3 months old and second, I was excited I captured my dad making both babies smile and giggle. 


I take pictures with my phone and then forget to share them. Though they are not the same quality as my actual camera, they still capture fun and loving moments in our busy lives. Enjoy!

Clayton's first time on a horse. 

Haylie's first time on a mule

Happy Boy!

Sibling love

Addison loves her cousin. 3 months 3 weeks apart


Addie loved touching Clayton. 

My snugly man

She's finally old enough to be put to work. :) She's learning to drive and dragging the field. 

Losing more teeth. A week later the other front tooth fell out. 

Out enjoying the fresh air. 
Awwww this is the life. 

Headed home from Boise with two worn out kiddos. 

All boys love kisses from mommy, right?

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone! The Lord has risen, the sun was shinning, surrounded by family, and I thoroughly enjoyed every little moment in the day. We started the day off worshiping who this day truly belongs too. Did a little egg hunt with Haylie. Visited with family and got a chance to take some adorable pictures of the kiddo's. Last but not least, stuffed our face with some very yummy food. I wanted to share not only the pictures, but also my favorite song that we sang in church. We hope you all had a wonderful Easter. 

"My Redeemer Lives"
I know he rescued my soul
His blood has covered my sin
I believe
My shame He's taken away
My pain is healed in his name
I believe
I'll raise a banner
'Cause my Lord has conquered the grave
My Redeemer Lives
I know He's rescued my soul
His blood has covered my sin
I believe
My shame He's taken away
My pain is healed in His Name
I believe
I'll raise a banner
'Cause My Lord has conquered the grave
You Lift my burdens
I'll rise with You
I'm dancing on this mountain top to see your kingdom come
My Redeemer Lives

Grandma Mel and Mr. Clayton

My sweet baby boy

Found one

I sure do love this ball of sunshine!

She got a kite in her Easter basket and I swear she ran over a hundred laps around the field trying to get it to fly. 

I made a few laps around trying to help her, but it took daddy pointing out that we put it together wrong. After that it was a cinch to fly. 

Haylie has been bagging for an umbrella. I finally asked her why she wanted one so bad, she says, "So when it's raining outside I don't have to stay indoors." (duh mom) This girl sure does love being outside. 

My cup runneth over.

What cute cousins! Can't wait to get pictures off all the cousins in August.

Grandma Tina bought the girls matching dresses. Too Cute!

When I look at this picture I see my daughter being a little instigator and already trying to get her cousin, Addison, into trouble...."Look Addie, pull Uncle Dan's hair." :)

That's better. Uncle Dan with his nieces and nephew. 

To bad dad had to work till dinner. He missed out on all the picture taken fun. 

Grandma Mel and Grandpa Jim with their adorable grand kids.