Thursday, August 25, 2011

Love the way 4 year old think

Had to share this conversation I had with Haylie today.

Me; "Haylie, I think I am going to wrap you in a box and ship you to Daddy in Iraq."

Haylie; "No you can't because I don't have the right cloths."

Me; "The right cloths? What kind of cloths do you need."

Haylie; "I need army cloths like Daddy wears and Daddy's are to big for me."

***Never thought a daughter of mine would be so concerned about what cloths to wear. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Simplifying Life

Sometimes in life we need to take a step back and really evaluate what is important and what we can do without.  Through this roller coaster of a year we have had, I have examined, selected, cut and re-organized my so called "must haves" in life. I'm not talking about the material things in my life, I'm meaning the emotional dependents I find my self drawn to or away from. First - deleting the negative emotional toil. Second - relying on the only one who can meet all my needs, God. Third - Spending quality, undemanding, time with Tom and Haylie.

 First step - Facebook Facebook Facebook or how I love staying connected, but its not that simple. Has anyone realized how fast Facebook or Myspace can suck you in. Its like small town gossip, yet it's spread over the whole world. Everyone knows everyone's business, some things we just don't want to know and is it just me or does it seem to be a place for everyone to share their gripes. If I take the whole idea of facebook back to its roots, then yes I could justify keeping it going, but it has become so much more to me, so its time I sweep my porch clean. In my journey to simplify life, I am opting to shut down the extra expectations. Goodbye  facebook....Hello freedom....Goodbye negativity......Hello clear conscience..... Okay you get the point.  On a side note - What happened to a simple phone call, just to say hello?

I know what your thinking - How can a blog be more simple then facebook? I have my reasons and I am sure they only make sense in my jumbled mind. However, in lieu of sending thousand and thousands of emails and making sure I don't leave anyone out, this was the only way I could think of keeping everyone updated on photos.

This is just the first step to my simpler life.....Yes I know, we have loads of relatives and friends that love updates of my crazy, full of life, loving, outgoing 4 year old. I am making you a promise... I Brandi Wurtz solemnly swear I will not leave you hanging. You all know me well enough, that I can't resist snapping pictures of Haylie and there is no point in taking them if I don't share. :) 

So hang on as we blow and whirl through this hurricane we call  life.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stanley Idaho - August 2011

Love these 3
 I couldn't resist
 Daniel's sharp looking new truck
 Beautiful Salmon River
Our hiking party
  Haylie with one of her favorite Uncles
So far all smiles....3 miles later they have dimmed a little. :)
 Bummed, that she was instructed to hold Uncle Dan's hand.
 Act goofy...or pose.
This picture melts my heart

 Haylie with her other favorite Uncle.
 What a good hiker.
Well worth the hike.
 Okay Miss independent, you can do it by yourself but you have to crawl.
AWWW!! feels so good on hot, dirty, tired feet.
  Haylie's chariot.
Love these two.
 Hell's Roaring Lake
What a good looking couple.
Help he has fallen and can't get up!
 Alturas Lake

Every time I look at this picture I am amazed at how the water is like a mirror.
All Grins!
 Family, fresh mountain air, and a vacation are the creators of this smile.
Modeling? Actress?
Silly Steve thought he could bring the buoy back that was attached to the anchor
All that is missing is my hubby.

 Bubbles can not only entertain a 4 yr old they also entertain a 22 year old.